1. montuenga (2008) DOWNLOAD
01. mort mort mort
02. une heure plus tard
03. le veilleur du grand marché
04. ....
05. huit
06. le kid de la plage
07. on a qu'a se dire qu'on s'en fout
08. prophète de malheur
2. demo+2 (2007) DOWNLOAD
01. memoria grigia
02. aussitot dort, aussitot mort
03. une once de courage
04. le desespoir des singes
05. dur comme la banalite
06. percute
coming from caen, france, aussitôt mort (as soon as dead in french) began playing together in early 2005 : soon after the apollo program break up, antoine, milouze and greg decided they wanted to carry on making music together... they teamed up with good friends and great musicians pierre (also bassplayer in amanda woodward) and cédric (from the experimental-post-rockish local band none-id). no rules were set, no boundaries erected, just the usual “making music you like with good friends” thing. they first tried to create a new style, “emo-doom”, which could have been called “emoom”, or “doomo”, but they kind of failed.
site, myspace
i'm fine you loved Aussitot Mort. i had coreleases the "demo +2 songs on cd!!
share share share, and find other shared album from my ex-label at :
Woot? New Aussitôt Mört records? Thanks so much! One of my favorite screamo bands :)
it's cool to share music but i wish people were more respectful of bands and labels by NOT putting record online that are not out yet !
since downloading music has been this easy i definitely buy more records, it may seem like a paradox but that's the truth...
...and i'll definitely buy this one...
btw. whats wrong with the 3rd track?
2 songs are missing
i download it and everything seems fine...all songs are ok.
if there are more of you that having a problems with tracks i will put a new leave me a message.
looks like tracks are least track 3 (not sure if there are more than 7 tracks total).
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